Do Not Hire Another Food Catering Service Unless They Have These 3 Qualities

Claire Reid
3 min readJun 23, 2021

Having a meal with someone is probably the easiest way to gain their trust (unless they think you’re going to poison them).

In business, the value of a good luncheon is rarely understood.

Studies show that 65% of employees are distracted during regular meetings.

On the flip side, people pay more attention to each other while they are eating, and are less likely to be on their phones or other mobile devices.

Studies also indicate that a good luncheon increases employee productivity by 150%!

Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

But before you order from the nearest catering service, here are 3 qualities that you should never compromise on.

1.There should be diverse menu options

Consider that you have many people working under you and therefore, their palates vary. Some might even be allergic to certain foods.

A diverse menu allows employees to feel included and important. You don’t want a situation where you cater lunch for the office and everyone isn’t satisfied.

As such, your caterer should have an array of dishes for you and your team to choose from.

2. The food must be delicious

As obvious as this may seem, there have been many instances where a company broke relations with a catering service for tasteless food. Don’t let your company be a statistic!

Photo by City Church Christchurch on Unsplash

Reviews are a great place to start when checking for the quality of food a caterer provides. While tastebuds vary, numbers don’t lie.

3. The customer service experience must be good

Customer service is crucial for any business. A caterer that gets orders mixed up and delivers food late is not one you want to keep.

What people hate more than bad food is bad service.

A recent study shows that 37% of people consider bad customer service as the top restaurant offense. 30% rated bad food and the remaining 24% chose cleanliness.

Your employees and business associates are more likely to let the food slide if the service is great — but if the service is bad, that’s a reflection of your taste as a manager… and nobody wants to be known for having bad taste.

On your journey to find the right caterer, you might encounter a few challenges. Not every establishment can match its promises with its actions. Fortunately, some do.

Photo by Frank Zhang on Unsplash

For businesses in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Schlotzsky’s Catering has all the qualities of excellent service. The food is great, the service is great and the menu is all-inclusive!

