Don’t Overheat — 7 Cool Reasons To Get Your HVAC Serviced

Claire Reid
3 min readJul 12, 2021

Everywhere you look temperatures are rising. It’s easy to go inside to beat the heat, but what happens if the air conditioning stops working?

Of course, you can always call the repairman, but what will you do until he arrives?

Air conditioning problems always seem to happen during the hottest days, and the repair companies end up getting swamped with calls.

Photo by Mak on Unsplash

Here are 7 chilly reasons to get your HVAC serviced before it breaks.

1.Fewer Breakdowns

This may have been mentioned already, and it’s the most obvious reason.

Getting your system checked before it breaks down will make sure it keeps on working through the hottest days when you need it the most.

2. Save Money

Everyone likes saving money. While it may cost something to have your HVAC serviced, it will certainly be less than it would cost if it breaks down because you didn’t get it serviced.

Not to mention all the money you’ll save on makeshift air conditioning ideas while you wait for the repair person to show up.

3. Sweet Clean Air

Our ventilation systems can build up huge amounts of dust, allergens, and other nasties.

Getting your HVAC serviced regularly will help to keep the entire system clean, so you’re not breathing in dirt that’s been sitting in there for a decade.

Photo by Ryan Kwok on Unsplash

4. That Energy Bill

The dreaded energy bill. It can be a real nightmare.

Keeping your machinery up to date, clean, and running smoothly will help you cut down on your energy costs.

The US Department of Energy estimates some people could save up to 30% by keeping their systems at peak efficiency.

5. Safety First

You probably aren’t home 24 hours a day, and won’t always notice if something goes wrong.

Whether it’s too much heat or too much cold, an HVAC malfunction can cause a huge amount of damage to your home, and risk the safety of anyone living there.

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

6. Warranty

There’s nothing better than having repairs done for free.

If you want to keep your warranty valid for as long as possible, you probably need some kind of regular maintenance.

Keeping up to date on this won’t just make your system last longer, it will keep those repairs from costing you an arm and a leg.

7. The Environment

Keeping your system tuned up won’t just save you a bundle, it will also help to save the environment.

Using less fuel, keeping your home’s air cleaner, and using the most up-to-date refrigerant are all great for you, and for the planet.

Whatever your reason is, it’s obvious that having your HVAC systems regularly maintained can have a lot of benefits.

Photo by Álvaro Bernal on Unsplash

If you don’t want to be stuck with the heat, maybe you should give your local HVAC service technicians a call, and see what they can do for you.

Don’t spend the summer trying to stay cool by holding the fridge open — get your equipment serviced and save a bundle!

