Protect Your Smile — 6 Beaming Reasons To Consider Dental Crowns

Claire Reid
3 min readJul 12, 2021

Smiles are important.

They’re one of the first things people notice when they look at someone’s face, and they’re the most obvious indication of a person’s emotional state.

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to keep our smiles in perfect condition, and once they start to take damage, it can be even more difficult to repair.

Dental crowns can provide a simple solution to a number of toothy problems, both cosmetically and as a way to prevent more damage.

Photo by Peter Kasprzyk on Unsplash

Here are a few reasons you may want to consider crowns for your pearls.

1.Long-Lasting Solution

Dental crowns can last 15 years or longer, and are stronger than standard fillings.

Out of all the usual dental treatments, crowns tend to be the most robust, and longest-lasting. They can even last longer than veneers.

2. Tooth Decay

Sometimes there’s just nothing you can do to prevent a tooth from decaying, except using a dental crown.

If your tooth keeps getting worse, a crown can completely cover it, creating a solid barrier between it, and all the things that can harm it.

Photo by Rudi Fargo on Unsplash

3. Hold It Together

Damaged teeth have a tendency to start falling apart, and there aren’t a lot of ways to hold them together. A crown can stop a damaged tooth from falling apart, and also keep it safe from any other future damage.

This is important because already damaged teeth are more easily damaged, and it’s often painful when they are.

4. Cover-Up

If your teeth are slightly misshapen, discolored, or otherwise not visually appealing, a dental crown is an easy fix.

You can have all the strength of your original teeth, and none of the problems that come with dentures, while still making them beautiful again!

Photo by Matthew Poetker on Unsplash

5. Strength

Even small amounts of dental damage can make it difficult to eat.

This can be both painful and embarrassing. Dental crowns can give your teeth the strength they need so you can be confident and pain-free no matter what you’re eating.

6. Dental Implants

If you’ve got a dental implant, you know they can sometimes be less than beautiful.

You can cover that implant with a crown though, and make it just one more component of your fantastic, natural-looking smile!

Whether you’re looking to strengthen your smile or to make it more beautiful, dental crowns might be the solution you’re looking for.

Photo by Quang Tri NGUYEN on Unsplash

Don’t take my word for it, contact a professional dentist to see if crowns are right for you, and how they might improve your smile.

You can have the beautiful smile you’ve always dreamed of, and the confidence to eat whatever you want, without worrying about pain or embarrassment.

Give it a try, your teeth will thank you.

